Chicory Forcing
Chicory forcing
After the cooling period, the chicory roots are planted in soil or put on running water. Cultivation in which the roots are planted in soil has been largely replaced by hydroponics. In a hydroponic system, the roots grow on a circulating nutrient solution using special flood tables, The chicory roots or Belgian endive roots are placed side by side in these flood tables so that about 400 roots fit in a 1 m2 space and forcing can start. A water level of approximately 3 cm is maintained in each table. The forcing tables are stacked, and an overflow is created so the water runs via the overflow to the table below. The water contains nutrients and has a temperature of 14 to 18°C, depending on the maturity of the root. The air temperature is usually 1 to 2°C cooler. Cultivation takes place in a dark room (light turns the chicory green), and within three weeks of forcing a beautiful white-yellow Belgian endive head grows on the chicory root. Each root can be forced one time. After the roots have been forced they can be used for fodder.

Chicoseeds is part of the Chico-group. Chicoseeds supplies chicory seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.

Chicoseeds is part of the Chico-group. Chicoseeds supplies chicory witloof seeds to professional chicory growers around the world.
Julianastraat 4A
6065AM Montfort
+31 (0) 475 549 004
Kvk: 68368771